Job Description
We are seeking a Senior Project Engineer with a comprehensive understanding of "Project Engineering" functions, responsibilities, and accountabilities. The ideal candidate should be familiar with the typical processes and governance structures for various roles within a large engineering department, comprising approximately 400 people.
The primary responsibility of this governance role is to collaborate with the senior leadership team, including heads of engineering functions, to ensure that new engineering roles and functions are effectively integrated into the existing systems. You will work within an established process, focusing on adding to and refining the current structure rather than creating it from scratch.
Due to the project evolving, you will incorporate the new future roles into the Matrix to align with the project's developmental stages, and internal standards.
You will manage this process, coordinating with the Engineering Heads and Technical Authorities who will make the ultimate qualitative decisions.
This role is also suitable for individuals without an engineering background who have experience in HR, skill mapping, or similar tasks.
Additionally, you will support the broader governance function within the engineering division.